Sunday, March 20, 2011

Matt Cooke Does It Again

Photo Credit Google Images

I'm watching the Rangers Penguins game inbetween tourney games, and the first thing I see is Matt Cooke throwing an elbow to a Ranger player's head.  This guy is fucking something else.  Cheap shot after cheap shot, this mother fucker doesn't get it.  He is exaclty what the NHL doesn't need.  This dude just has no conscious.  He drops Savard and with another concussion, Savard's NHL career seems to be in jeopardy; and it just doesn't effect Cooke.  He doesn't care.  He comes back and just throws blatent elbow's to people's dome.  Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Then you have Mario Lemieux, the President or owner or something of the stupid fuckin Penguins.  After the brawl they had with the Islanders, he comes out saying this isn't what the NHL should be about and he doesn't want to be associated with the league if it stays this way or some stupid shit.  Oh ok Mario, you're a moron too.  You have probably the dirtiest player in the NHL; right up there with that goon Ott; and you name Cooke an assistant captain on YOUR team!!!!  You don't want to be associated with a league with brawls but your basically promoting cheap shots by naming Cooke assistant captain.  What a fucking circus they have over there. 

Fuck you Matt Cooke.  I hope you get suspended forever and banned from the league cuz you're a piece of shit.

Oh and the Rangers just scored twice on that power play and took the lead. HAAAAAA

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