Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chara Not Disciplined For Hit

Photo Credit Google Images

The NHL decided on no disciplinary action on Bruins d-man Zdeno Chara for his hit on Max Pacioretty, who suffered a severe concussion and fractured his vertebrae.  Chara said he will contact Pacioretty and also stated that he felt bad. 

This was the statements made by NHL Senior Vice President of Hockey Operations, Mike Murphy:

"After a thorough review of the video I can find no basis to impose supplemental discipline. This hit resulted from a play that evolved and then happened very quickly -- with both players skating in the same direction and with Chara attempting to angle his opponent into the boards. I could not find any evidence to suggest that, beyond this being a correct call for interference, that Chara targeted the head of his opponent, left his feet or delivered the check in any other manner that could be deemed to be dangerous.  

"This was a hockey play that resulted in an injury because of the player colliding with the stanchion and then the ice surface. In reviewing this play, I also took into consideration that Chara has not been involved in a supplemental discipline incident during his 13-year NHL career."

I believe Murphy and the NHL nailed it on the head on this one.  Yes, it was unfortunate, by wasn't deliberate  or viscous by any means.  The Habs will missed Pacioretty, and hopefully he can recover and eventually return to playing hockey.

Heres the hit if you missed it :

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