Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Trade deadline looming: Are the C's making a move?

Photo Credit Google Images, marginalizingmorons.blogspot.com

With the trade deadline approaching, will the Celtics make a move?  Obviously the C's are poised for a push for the number one seed in the East, but do they have enough?  In my opinion, they need to add another small forward to back up Paul Pierce.  Delonte West coming back will be HUGE for the C's.  It will allow for Nate Robinson to move to the two guard with West handling the point.  Nate is a scorer, not a play maker, and this will benefit the Celtics tremendously.  The problem I have is who is going to play the small forward when Pierce needs some rest.  Von Wafer? No thanks.  

The C's have reportedly shown interest in Shane Battier, Anthony Parker, and former Celtic James Posey.  There is just no way the Celtics can acquire Battier.  They don't have enough to offer unless they give up Big Baby which I just don't see happening.  I believe the most realistic option out the there is Anthony Parker.  The Cavaliers are slightly out the the playoff race at this point in the season and are willing to part ways with Parker.  I don't know what the Celtics are offering or what the Cavs want, but I think sending Semih Erden to Cleveland would be a good swap for both teams.  The Cavs would get a young big man who has shown some potential in green.  The C's would solidify the back-up small forward spot with a solid defender who can knock 'em down from beyond the arc.

Boston heads to Golden State to take on the Warriors tonight at 10:30 et.  

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