Sunday, February 27, 2011

New-Look C's Knock Off Blake and the Clippers

Photo Credit Google Images

The Celtics defeated the LA Clippers last night 99-92.  They green team came out very slow; shooting poorly, not defending like they can, and just looking lazy.  They got the the stripe at will last night, which kept them in the game in the first half.  They woke up in the second half, playing like the Celtics we know and love.  The starters came out and went on a run in the third quarter (lead by the captain) to take the lead and never looked back.  

Jeff Green looked lost in the first half.  He looked tentative and didn't play like he can.  He settled down in the second half and looked more into the game.  I'm not going to look too much into this considering he's known one system his entire career and it is tough adjusting to a new team and system.  On the other hand, Nenad Krstic looked really good.  He has never been known to play down low, but thats exactly where he was last night in LA, grabbing six rebounds (all offensive) to go along with nine points.  Also, it was good to see a big man in green knocking down a jump shot from just inside the three-point line.

Delonte West played down the stretch with the first unit, and let me tell you, he looked fantastic.  We all know that Delonte is a very capable player and injuries have slowed him down, but if last night is any indication of what is to come, then you've got to be very happy as a C's fan.  He got everyone involved and knocked down the open shots when given to him.  It's going to be good to be able to give Rondo a blow here and there and know that you don't have to worry about Nate Robinson running around like a chicken with his head cut off, chucking up three's whenever he feels like it.  

The Celtics still have a few roster spots to fill.  The name you hear thrown around a lot is Troy Murphy.  At this point, he is still a Golden State Warrior.  He was expected to be bought out by the Warriors, but they have yet to do that.  Murphy has expressed interest in joining Boston if bought out.  Other names I have heard are: Leon Powe, Samuel Dalembert. and Jason Kapono.  Powe would come back into a system he is familiar with and bring some toughness that left with Perkins leaving.  I wouldn't mind seeing Dalembert on the C's.  He is a big body who can defend and get rebounds.  Kapono is interesting because he can spread the floor and knock down the three, but isn't that what the trade for Jeff Green was for?  In a perfect world, I'd like to see them bring in two of those guys, preferably Murphy and Powe.

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