Monday, April 4, 2011

National Championship Preview

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Connecticut is a three point favorite over the Bulldogs tonight.  It should be a grind-it-out type game, and both teams have that one star player they look to for big shots, Kemba Walker and Shelvin Mack.

Butler is a tough team with a lot of grit.  They are a great defensive team.  That is their go to.  They will play good defense and they will get points from junior guard Shelvin Mack.  The key to Butler winning this game will be their ability to stop, or at least slow down, UConn star Kemba Walker.  Every team in the tournament has been trying to stop Kemba, but nobody can do it.  Also, they need to get production from big man Matt Howard.  Howard has opened up his game this year, and he needs to knock down some three's.  They will need timely shooting off the bench, specifically from senior guard Zach Hahn, who has provided some long range shooting in their tournament run.

UConn also plays tough defense, and rely on their superstar guard, Kemba.  Kemba has put this team on his back and carried them like nothing I've ever seen before.  For most of the season, UConn was a one-man show, but down the stretch other players have emerged.  Freshman Jeremy Lamb has taken on the role of Robin to Kemba's Batman.  He has been playing just great basketball the past month.  Also, freshman Shabazz Napier has been consistently knocking down shots for the huskies.  Inside, Lowell native Alex Oriahki, provides both toughness and rebounding.  His size, length, and athleticism is something that cannot be matched by the Bulldogs.  If he plays well and stays out of foul trouble, his defensive presence and rebounding ability will be a key to UConn capturing the title.

This game should be a close one.  Butler doesn't get blown out, they are in every game.  They know how to win.  But I think UConn can match their defensive intensity, and they have the best player in the tournament.  This game should be in the 60's, and come down to the last few possessions.  Butler will end this year as they did the last.  It is UConn's time.  They are simply on fire.   Kemba is determined to end his career a champion, and that's exactly what he will do. 

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